About us
New Hope Daylilies are extremely proud to be a British daylily nursery, nestled in the beautiful South Shropshire Hills. Owners and great friends, Liz Colebrook and Fiona Pidduck took over over running this long established horticultural business from the legendary, self confessed 'daylily missionary' Mark Zenick in 2022.
See Liz and Fi at New Hope Daylilies on Gardener's World Episode 22, 2024.
He originally started growing Hemerocallis (daylilies) in his native Massachusetts, USA more than 30 years ago and then subsequently introduced them to rural Shropshire in the noughties! Over the last few years, Mark has shared his deep knowledge and huge passion for Hemerocallis with Liz and Fiona and they now enthusiastically and joyfully continue to offer more than 300 daylily cultivars through the nursery for sale in person (or online if you are not able to visit).
Considering the daylily is renowned for being the most popular hardy perennial in the States it’s hard to believe we Brits who love our gardens are relatively late to the party! These plants are really tough, they come in all shapes and sizes (let alone colours) and often thrive on benign neglect. Perfect for busy people and also perfect ‘drought plants’ and with our fluctuating weather patterns, this is a wise plant to invest in. All our Hemerocallis are field grown here at New Hope and categorised as early, mid or late bloomers. Blooming starts in June and reaches well into October. Plus they’re edible!
Our open weekends in July are a great way to meet other enthusiasts and chat about your hemerocallis ‘families’ over tea and coffee and delicious cake of course!
2023 heralded our new website, which has been really well received - we're delighted to have bare root Daylilies grown at New Hope travelling out to gardens across the UK. Thank you to everyone who has ordered and helped to continue the success of New Hope Daylilies.
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